Rush on Business Celebrates 100th Blog Post

I am excited to announce that today is the 100th Blog Post of Rush on Business. Thank you to all the readers who have made this blog a success. I appreciate the favorable comments from many people who have enjoyed and learned from the articles on different aspects of small business law including incorporation and LLC formation, employment issues and franchise law.

I have a couple of exciting projects in the works. The first is the Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business in Iowa. This project should be done before the end of the year. A second project includes a blawg seminar for Iowa lawyers with Brett Trout. The date is tentatively set for November 10, 2006 in Des Moines. Stay tuned for more details.

My blogging has also introduced me to Mike Sansone and Sandy Renshaw. Mike’s site, Converstations, is filled with good ideas related to blogging. With Mike’s help I plan on taking Rush on Business to its own URL and adding many helpful features.

Please feel free to comment on articles. However, I have a few rules. The first is that all comments must not ask for legal advice in a specific situation. Our legal ethics rules only permit Iowa lawyers to provide information in a blog setting for general purposes only. Second, all comments must identify the author. I will also not allow any person to defame another person or company on my site.

I also encourage people to subscribe to my RSS feed. You may subscribe to the feed by clicking on the orange icon in the Sidebar of this site. By subscribing you will automatically receive updates for the new posts.

Please feel free to let me know about legal issues of interest. I will write about them in future posts.