Like the Portland Trail Blazers drafting Sam Bowie instead of Michael Jordan, how is it that Trent Hamm’s Blog, The Simple Dollar, is not among the blogs listed on the Central Iowa Bloggers site?  This guy is the Tim Duncan of the Central Iowa blogging community.  Not flashy but extremely successful.

The Business Record has a great article on Trent and his phenomenal blogging success.  His personal finance site is receiving 1 million page views per month and his technorati ranking is in the Top 500 in the country.  He even earned $5,500 in income from his blog last month and is working on an exclusive joint sponsorship with another personal finance blog written by John David Roth.

It is easy to see why Trent’s site has become so successful.  It is chalked full of helpful personal finance tips and a common sense approach that obviously touches a cord with people.  I am particularly interested on his re-evaulation of Money Magazine’s 25 Rules to Grow Rich By.

FYI:  Be sure to check out the newly designed Business Record Web site.  Much improved.  The RSS feeds are nice but are blogs in the Business Record’s future?