I’ll be one of the speakers at the annual Raising Capital Seminar sponsored by the BIZ on March 29, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The seminar is located at the Des Moines Partnership offices.

"Many entrepreneurs don’t have a good understanding of the types of capital that start-up businesses can or should raise," says Mike Colwell, executive director of the Business Innovation Zone of Central Iowa, the seminar sponsor. "This event will be the place to learn about the legal requirements, investor expectations of them, the timeframes and the costs involved in raising capital."
Leading business advisors will deliver presentations on business valuation, fundraising compliance and legal issues, using friends and family as capital sources, angel investor expectations, and how to use venture capital and private equity sources.

I’ll be speaking on corporation and LLC entity formation (it’s not the gut wrenching decision some seem to make it) plus partnership considerations (don’t do it). Hope to see you there!