If you are looking for legal information involving a wide-range of issues relating to the Coronavirus pandemic, I encourage you to check out Coronavirus Legal Daily which is a Channel on the LexBlog Network. There are lawyers blogging on many topics from employment law to real estate lease agreements to insurance coverage issues and more. Please keep in mind that these bloggers are from all 50 states so some of the issues they talk about may not directly apply in Iowa, or perhaps the application of certain laws may be different here. However, it is still good information as the discussions and posts provide guidance on how to approach or consider certain issues. If you have question on how an issue may apply in Iowa please contact me.
As I said on my Twitter feed just a couple of days ago, we still stand ready to serve clients. I’ll have full capability to work remotely with clients and as long as the Iowa Secretary of State stays open we should not miss a beat with corporate filings. We have FastTrack filing with the Secretary of State, Clio cloud-based legal management software and secure remote access at our disposal. We’re prepared with our technology for you.