New York Small Business lawyer Imke Ratschko presents a helpful e-book on her blog "Small Business Guide to Risk Management – A complete guide for business decision-makers" published by the Association of Small Business Development Centers.
This easy to read guide discusses the many risks that businesses face and provides checklists to assess those risks and mitigate them to the extent possible.
In particular, employee related lawsuits are a major concern of many businesses. The guide contains an excellent overview of the issues related to human resources. From the human resource section:
At a minimum, employers should ensure that they are in strict compliance with all applicable federal and state labor regulations. A next step would be to institute proactive management policies and practices to educate managers and employees about their respective rights and responsibilities. Employee lawsuits are often a symptom not only of perceived transgressions, but also of low employee morale brought on by ineffective or indifferent management attitudes.
Another insightful section involves intellectual property including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.
I encourage you to check it out.