The site is gaining popularity daily. Yours truly is one of the contributing authors but the other eleven authors have me checking this site every day and reading it through my feedreader. I am continually impressed with the quality of the ideas and concepts developed by the authors. A couple of my recent favorites and applicable to readers of this site include:
Both posts were written by Joe Kristan of the Roth & Company Tax Updates Blog. Joe is one of the best business blog writers I have seen on the topics of accounting and finance.
Hats off to Professional Solutions Insurance Services for sponsoring the site. The company exhibits a pay it forward approach. They really "walk the walk" when it comes to putting the needs of small businesses before their own. And one of their agents, Brian Honnold, has turned out to be a pretty good blog author in his own right.
So congratulations to PSIS and the team. It is fun to be a part of such a great group.