For anyone interesting in becoming a better blogger you need to read Kevin O’Keefe’s Blawg Review #125. It’s his business but no one has done more than Kevin and Lexblog to promote blogging among lawyers. Kevin’s mantra for lawyer blogs:
‘Do good – for society, yourself, and the image of our legal profession.’
Kevin has cited some of the most brillant minds in the blogosphere for you to continue learning the "art of blogging". Reading this post is a must.
P.S. The sharing of knowledge and ideas with fellow law and business bloggers has spoiled me. I attended a legal seminar this past week. I spoke with one of the speakers and asked him a few questions seeking recommendations for helpful Web sites and other information on his topic. His responses made it clear he did not want to share information with me because he viewed his information as "trade secret". I just want to say thanks to all those lawyers out there you are unafraid to share their insight with fellow practitioners in an effort to ‘Do good – for society, yourself, and the image of our legal profession.’