One of the things I love the most is providing proactive educational workshops to companies and other organizations. Due to the ever-growing interest in the topic, I am pleased to announce that I am now offering a new legal training workshop for businesses, large and small, regarding social media. A custom workshop will be designed for your business to cover the following topics:
- Overview of Social Media, New Developments and the Future
- The Use of Social Media in the recruiting and hiring process
- Balancing Employee privacy v. Employer’s Business Interests
- The risks and benefits of Employees using Social Media in the workplace
- What every supervisor needs to know about the use of social media
- How (or whether) to discipline employees for Social Media use
- Social Media and its impact on Litigation
- Social Media Train Wrecks
- Summary of Social Media Case Law Developments
- Drafting the Social Media policy
To tailor the presentation specifically for your organization, we will send you a questionnaire in advance regarding your organization’s and employees’ use of social media and your existing policies and procedures. Every company is different and the presentation will be designed to address your organization’s specific issues, size, level of understanding and industry. Like other forms of employment based training, not only can social media legal training help you in the event you get pulled into litigation, but even more importantly, it can help prevent costly litigation and the loss of employee productivity.
Social media presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for your business. It is essential that your executives, supervisors and employees stay informed about this ever-changing and important topic. For more information on social media legal training workshops and fees, please feel free to contact me at