Ohio business lawyer Terri Rasmussen has an excellent overview of the resources available on the SBA Website.  (With a hat tip to Joel Libava on the Small Business Trends Blog for the original post).  Terri also refers to a helpful post from Anita Campbell on the Ten Ways Business.gov Helps Your Business.

While I couldn’t agree more with these posts about the valuable information found on the SBA Web site, I would add I find the Kauffman eVenturing site to be one of the most useful business resources on the Internet for pure business advice and information.  The quality of the ideas and writing on the Kauffman site is outstanding.

P.S.  If you are looking for an interesting interview, be sure to take some time to listen to Central Iowa’s very own Sherry Borzo interview Anita Campbell on the dsmBuzz site.  It’s terrific!