It has taken longer than I had hoped but my November goal is to lauch the Interactive Learning Environment for clients and others interested in employment law compliance and training, franchising basics and starting up your business.  Our initial free program will include a Legal Guidebook on Starting Your Iowa Business.  Gradually, we will release more and more content on the important issues that impact your business. One of my partners, Matthew Brick, will be a major contributer on employment law issues.

My introductory video is complete so I need to get moving on the programs. Due to time constraints with work load and this project, followers should expect blogging to be very light over the remainder of the month. I appreciate your loyal support to this blog and I encourage you to give our ILE a try when its finished. 

A special thanks to the guys at createWOWmedia who have been so invaluable in getting the ILE project off the ground. Stay tuned for the finished product and I look forward to your comments once we are up and running.