Iowa has never been the hot bed for franchisors but it seems as though some Iowa franchisors are really picking up steam.  According to the Des Moines Register this morning Chocolaterie Stam stores have expanded to Ames, Chapel Hill N.C., and Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.  Upcoming stores including Minneapolis and Steamboat Springs (that would be my personal favorite) and also is contemplating stores in Kansas City or West Des Moines.

Another expanding local franchise is Maid-Rite.  It is my understanding Maid-Rite is growing rapidly with plans to head into Florida and Texas and with the new store design it’s easy to see why.  This definitely is not your father’s Maid-Rite.

But if you are considering these franchises be sure to conduct your due diligence and consider the fundamentals for franchisees in your negotiations.  Don’t fall in love with the deal.  (I know it’s tough with chocolate but control yourself).