Today I will present at the Central Iowa SHRM monthly meeting located at Copper Creek Golf Course on electronic workplace issues. The electronic workplace is all around us. Computers, voice mail, internet, intranet, e-mail, fax machines, laptops, PDAs, videoconferencing, social media, blogs and more are common features in the American workplace. The development of the

I will be speaking on a panel today at the Central Iowa Certifiied Financial Planner (CFP) Luncheon on the impact of blogging in my career and whether other professionals should start their own blog.  As I said before to the Sertoma Club, when I started this blog I never could have imagined all the great things that could have happened

There is a nice article in the Business Record by Amanda Ripp this week about the Central Iowa Blogga Nostra gaining momentum and growing in popularity.  I am continually impressed with the quality of individuals and business people who are blogging in Central Iowa.  The article features several quotes from members of the Blogga Nostra extolling

Congratulations to Vince Basile of Aerospace Geartech who is featured in an article about the Business Innovation Zone (BIZ) in today’s Des Moines Register Business section.

Executive Director Mike Colwell worked with Vince to obtain grants through the Iowa Department of Economic Development and DMACC in order to purchase two manufacturing businesses (one from Ilinois and