Des Moines attorney Charles Kenville has a great post on the need for lawyers to be mindful of the new media exposure in their cases.  Chuck has a criminal law bent to his post but his reminder is just as true for civil cases.

I know from experience that savvy businesses are acutely aware

Terri Rasmussen of the Ohio Practical Business Law Counsel blog says that every client should want a lawyer that blogs.  As you might guess, I agree. 

Why is it important, you ask?  Terri shares her thoughts (with some comments by me):

  1. Knowledgeable Entrepreneur.  The blogging lawyer thinks in broader terms about what they want

There is a nice article in the Business Record by Amanda Ripp this week about the Central Iowa Blogga Nostra gaining momentum and growing in popularity.  I am continually impressed with the quality of individuals and business people who are blogging in Central Iowa.  The article features several quotes from members of the Blogga Nostra extolling

I am excited to announce that the Sullivan & Ward law firm will publish its Iowa Law Blog beginning in mid to late August.  The firm’s law blog will cover general legal issues inlcuding the following areas of law:

  • Utility and electric cooperative law;
  • Business law;
  • Trusts and estates;
  • Family law;
  • Real Estate law;
  • Trial &